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Someday Soon, these Evil Assn-Holes will be Under Your Power! Always Fight For Your Rights ... Your Home is Your Castle!

CO-VID was not the only threat to my elderly mother for the last two years ... more info coming soon!

With our research and discussion with a number of HOA victims around the USA (and in our own HOA communities), we found one common factor; many HOAs and their lawfirms have the upper hand and resources to keep their "Members" on the losing end of the legal route of things! With our vast experience in comedy media and programming ... we decided to take the parody approach in exposing HOA evils and battles with hilarous HOASS video features, shows and soon, films! Add in news coverage features, docs and support programs to help local HOA victims, then we will turn the tide real soon!

We will celebrate and support HOAs that actually do there job and truly help their communities!

Our Australian Partners for Came Up with this as a great idea to promote HOASS ... People will Send in their Favorite "Mooning @ HOA" Pics to Get Attention ... an Idea We Will Review!

After five tortuous years of "Insane Hoassment" from our own primary HOA (which included them cutting down our family's healthy lemon tree and their "Rats-in-Residence" that severely damaged our cars -- engines and all), the following videos represent a parody based video series; "Lemon Slice" and "Casa Deluna" ... a Rat Friendly, Lemon Free HOA Community that makes Harrassment a Science!

Upon the New Year and the Continued Baffling Actions of our Local Yacht Club and Recreational based, "HOA" ... we just produced this eye opening promo video announcing our new documentary, "Tobacco Lake". Years in the making as we interviewed numerous local Lake MV "Forced Members" and their own stories of pain, grief and frustration as they were threatened with lawsuits and home leans unless they dish up their "Fees"! ... On top of that, we got interviews of really cool people in non-HOA Yacht Clubs who do not force fees and who actually support their local neighbors and communities with charity events, fundraisers and more ... so cool to see those people exist without being bullies and who help others!

What "Blackfish" Did to SeaWorld We Hope "Tobacco Lake" Will Do to this Abusive Class of HOA!

The Producers and Fellow "Forced Yacht Club Members"

One Interesting Observation - "Forced Members" tend not to use the Yacht Club Facilities in Any Manner ... Which Logically is What the "True Members" Enjoy ... A Clear Lack of "Low Income" People Hanging Out at Their Club, Concerts and Facilities ... It Does Seem Quite Logical!

-No Doubt "Like Clubs" Everywhere Would Love this Easy Money and Financial Windfall Without the Lowly Rift Raft Hanging Out!-

Fun Natured Elements of the "Yacht Club" video above!

Hey Lake MV "Forced Members" ...  We want to add to our huge roster of interviews for the upcoming "Tobacco Lake" video documentary to tell your "Unique Story" and Ideas; One Amazing "Forced Member" is looking into doing their own GoFundMe Campaign to Pay their "Fees" and to get the Word Out! -- Wow, what a great idea ... Please email us at -

A Club Comedy Favorite from the Yacht Club! ("If Only We Could Do Forced Labor" - LOL).

And Of Course, We Will Be Supporting "Nice" Yacht Clubs Around the World that Actually Help People and Their Communities (All Without Forcing Fees Like Our Local Yacht Club!)... Send Us Info On Your Favorite "Nice Yacht Club" that we can put onto global TV --

For Real HOA Horror Stories From All Over America!

HOA Pest Counter Coming Soon ... 

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